

  abide, abode

  abide [V] + by

  accept or obey something 遵从;遵守:

  We have to abide by the rules.


  sb can’t abide sb/sth

  cannot tolerate a person or idea 不能容忍:

  I can’t abide the thought of living so near to his family.


  to live with 居住


  abode [N]

  a dwelling, and is used in the legal phrase for someone who is homeless 住所:

  A person of no fixed abode.


  My humble abode 寒舍

  更为中性的替代词有:residence, house, address

  ability, capacity

  ability [N]

  the skill and human power to do something 能力;本领;技能:

  He is a negotiator of immense ability.

  capacity [N]

  1. the ability to produce something, or to have a talent for doing something when referring to skill 能力;才能


  His ability as a negotiator was helped by his capacity for remembering faces.

  2. the maximum amount that can be produced by a machine 产量;生产力:

  This photocopier has the capacity to print fifty pages a minute.

  abnormal, subnormal

  abnormal [ADJ]

  something that differs from what is considered normal 不正常的;反常的:

  Many consider that global warming has resulted in abnormal weather conditions.

  subnormal [ADJ]

  something below what is considered normal 比正常少的;低于正常的:

  Many winters had subnormal temperatures.

  abolish, extinguish

  abolish [V]

  to end or destroy customs, practices and institutions completely 废除;取消:

  Slavery was abolished by law in the 19th century.

  extinguish [V]

  to put out a fire 熄灭:

  Three weeks of heavy rain extinguished the forest fires.

  the figurative meaning of to destroy “破灭”的形象说法:

  When the talks broke down, all hope of peace was extinguished.



  Refer specifically to an animal or plant which no longer exists 特指动物或植物的灭绝

  abstract, abstractedly


  [N] a summary of a report or paper usually in about 250 words 摘要(通常在250字以内)

  [ADJ] existing in thought or just as an idea 抽象的,理论上的:

  Enough abstract thought: give me one concrete example.

  a direction in art and artistic expression 抽象派的

  [V] to take away, or remove a part from a larger entity 抽取,提取,使分离:

  The hydropower scheme meant abstracting millions of litres of water from the river.


  abstractedly [ADV]

  deep in thought and not paying attention to what is going on 心不在焉地,出神地:

  He walked right past me, gazing abstractedly at the sky.

  abuse, misuse

  abuse [N,V]

  poor treatment or violent and improper use of something 虐待;滥用;妄用:

  He was imprisoned after being found guilty of repeated child abuse.

  alcohol abuse 过度饮酒


  misuse [N,V]

  the use of something dishonestly, or for a purpose that it was not designed for 错用;误用;滥用:

  Using that expensive Burgundy to make a gravy is a clear case of alcohol misuse.


  academic, scholarly, scholar


  [ADJ] matters associated with university education 学术的:

  Academic standards

  something that is without practical application and of no immediate relevance 纯理论的;空谈的:

  We have already won the overall competition, so the score of this match is academic.

  [N] a teacher or researcher in higher education 大学教师

  scholarly [ADJ]

  serious academic study 学术性的:

  His theories have been printed in a scholarly paper.

  used for a person who is studious, learned or engaged in university research 勤奋好学的;有学术造诣的

  scholar [N]

  A learned person, teacher or researcher in the classics, arts, and humanities, or other non-scientific disciplines 有学问的人;学者:

  She was a distinguished Latin scholar.

  the holder of a scholarship 奖学金获得者

  A Rhodes Scholar

  accept, except

  accept [V]

  1. to receive something 接受:

  He was pleased to accept the award from the Design Council

  2. to agree to something willingly 同意:

  After twenty years the director accepted the need to modernize the company.


  [PREP] not including, or omitting something 除……之外:

  Except for the teacher the rest of the villagers were illiterate.

  [V] to leave out 把……排除在外

  access, excess

  access [N & V]

  1. entry or admittance 进入;进入权:

  There is no right of access for the public.

  2. to open a computer file 取得;获取(计算机数据):

  She double-clicked and accessed the file.

  3. to reach or enter something 到达;进入


  The Open University has made university education accessible to the general public.

  excess [N & ADJ]

  something more than is permitted or desirable 过多,过量:

  He had 20 kilos of excess baggage.


  Excessive drinking is very bad for your health.

  accident, mishap, disaster, catastrophe

  accident [N]

  an unintentional incident that results in damage or injury 事故;意外事件:

  There was another serious accident on that road last night.

  by accident

  the same as ‘accidentally’ or ‘unintentionally’ 偶然地;意外地:

  I took the wrong coat home by accident.

  mishap [N]

  an unlucky accident 不幸;小事故:

  Delivery was delayed by a minor mishap in our factory.


  disaster [N]

  a sudden event or serious accident that results in great damage or loss of life 灾难;灾祸:

  The train crash was one of many such disasters in India.

  catastrophe [N]

  an event that results in widespread and often sudden damage or suffering 灾难;大祸;严重的不幸:

  The earthquake was a catastrophe for the whole nation.

  accommodation, accommodations

  accommodation [N]

  a room or building where someone can live or stay 住处:

  Student accommodation in town is always hard to find at the beginning of term.


  [formal term] a settlement, agreement or compromise 【正式】和解;协议:

  The two sides came to an accommodation.


  accommodations [N]


  The cost of overnight accommodations is included in the price of the ticket.

  achieve, accomplish, attain

  achieve [V]

  to reach an objective or standard, especially over a period of time 实现;取得;达到(尤指经过了一段时间):

  He was delighted to have achieved his ambition of becoming a rock star.


  accomplish [V]

  the same as ‘achieve’, but has an additional sense of successfully completing something 成功完成;成功实现:

  They safely accomplished the task of freeing the soldiers.


  describes a person who does something with great skill 熟练的;才华高的;有造诣的:

  She is an accomplished pianist.


  attain [V]

  to reach a certain standard, and is the word to use when comparison or measurement is involved 达到某标准(用于涉及比较或大小尺寸):

  She attained the highest grades in her final exams.



  acid, acrid

  acid [ADJ]

  sharp in taste and tone 酸的;酸味的;尖酸刻薄的:

  The stand-up comedian had an acid sense of humour.

  acid test

  a crucial trial 决定性的考验:

  The acid test is whether the software will actually work.

  acrid [ADJ]

  unpleasantly bitter in taste or smell 辛辣的;刺激性的:

  The acrid smell came from the burning building.

  acrid parting

  an angry and bitter departure 愤愤不平地离开

  acknowledge, admit

  acknowledge [V]

  1. to confirm that something has been received 确认收到:

  The company sent me a letter acknowledging my complaint.

  2. to recognize or accept a truth 承认(某事实):

  She has never acknowledged her responsibility in this matter.

  3. ‘acknowledge’ is used in formal contexts to mean to thank (正式)感谢:

  I acknowledge the financial support from the Research Council.

  名词-acknowledgement (acknowledgment)


  a section of a book or report in which the author lists or thanks those who have made a contribution 致谢

  admit [V]

  1. to accept responsibility 承担责任:

  I admit that your complaint is justified.

  2. to enter or allow access 允许进入:

  This ticket admits one.

  acoustic, acoustics

  acoustic [ADJ]

  refers to hearing, sound, or the science of sound 声音的;听觉的

  acoustic image; acoustic nerve; acoustic guitar


  acoustical measurement; acoustical shadow


  acoustics [N]

  1. the science of sound, when, like other academic subjects ending in -ics, it always takes a singular verb 声学(谓语动词常用单数形式)

  Acoustics is a challenging field.

  2. the acoustic properties of a room or a building and takes a plural verb (房间或建筑的)传声效果,音响效果(谓语动词用复数形式)

  The acoustics in the Greek amphitheatre are perfect.

  across, above, over (positions)

  across [PREP & ADV]

  1. from one side to the other 从一边到另一边

  We swam across the river.

  2. ‘across’ can either express movement or position 既可表动作也可表地点

  The plane took us across the Alps.

  The pub is just across the street.

  across the board

  a situation or change that affects all levels (形势或改变)影响全局

  The savings made by the company will bring improvements across the board.

  above [PREP & ADV]

  1. at a higher level than something else without touching it 在……上(不接触)

  We are now above the Alps.

  ‘above’ stresses the distance or height 强调距离或高度

  The plane was just above the trees.

  2. higher than a rate or a norm高于(某比率或某标准)

  She is well above average in mathematics.

  over [PREP & ADV]

  1. the same as ‘above’, when used to describe a position that is at a higher level 在……上(不接触)

  We are now over the Alps.

  2. higher than a specified figure 高于(某一具体数额)

  Everyone over 45 will benefit from the new legislation.

  3. covering the surface of something 盖在……上面

  There was a thick layer of snow over the hills.

  4. from one side to the other, in a similar way to ‘across’ 从一边到另一边

  We walked over the field.

  act, action

  act [N &V]

  1. as a noun, is usually something which is carried out once, often a deed such as a criminal act (一次性)的行动,如犯罪行动

  The explosion was incorrectly described as an act of terrorism.

  act of god

  a natural disaster is often called by western insurance companies. 自然灾害(西方保险公司的说法)

  2. in the legal sense ,an ‘Act’ is capitalized and means a law passed by the legislature of a country 法令;法律

  3. as a verb, to begin a process in response to a particular situation 开始行动;表现

  When my windows were broken for a third time I realized that I had to act.

  4. it can also mean to perform in a film or play, or to pretend 演出;扮演;假装

  He acted as if he knew nothing about the dent in the car door.

  action [N]

  1. stresses the process involved in an act that is typically directed towards a defined aim (有目的的)行动(强调过程)

  The hijackers were overcome by the government’s prompt military action.

  2. it may also refer to legal proceedings 诉讼

  My client is considering taking legal action against you.

  actual, topical, current

  actual [ADJ]

  refers to a real, factual event and something which exists 实际的;真实的;真正存在的事物

  The newspaper quoted his actual word.

  ‘actual’ is often contrasted with something expected or estimated 通常与期待的或估计的事物相对比

  The actual cost was only 60% of the estimate.

  topical [ADJ]

  Means either ‘relevant’ or ‘of interest at the moment’ 热门话题;当前受到关注的


  This film is about a topical problem. (当前的相关热门问题)

  The film is about an actual problem. (实际存在的没有预料到的问题)

  current [ADJ & N]

  1. as an adjective, means happening at the present time 现在的;当前的

  During the current financial crisis many families cannot afford holidays.

  2. as a non, ‘current’ means a flow of liquid, gas or electricity 水流;气流;电流

  The Gulf Stream is a current of warm water.

  acute, chronic

  acute [ADJ]

  refers to a sudden illness or a very serious occurrence 急性的(病);非常严重的(事件)

  Following the crash, the badly injured pilot suffered acute pain.

  chronic [ADJ]

  refers to a serious medical or other condition that persists for a long 严重的;长期的;慢性的

  Seven years after the accident, the pilot was still suffering from chronic pain.

  ad(s), add(s), advert

  ad [N]

  is an informal short form of ‘advertisement’ 【非正式】广告

  classified ad(s) / small ad(s)

  refer to short advertisements grouped by subject in newspaper columns 分类广告

  They went through the classified ads to find a flat to rent near the river.

  美式英语中用want ad(s)

  add [V]

  means to increase or to say something more 增加;说得更多

  注意:如果某事物用’added’形容的话,例如’added advantage’,起码之前就必须要有一个’advantage’。

  advert [N]

  is a short form of ‘advertisement’. the word is used for all sorts of advertisements anywhere - on TV, in the media, on hoardings or billboards 广告(可用于所有形式的广告)

  The company placed adverts all over town to announce the opening of the new mall.

  AD, BC


  stands for Anno Domini and is written before the year 公元(写在年份前)

  Pompeii was destroyed in AD 79.

  一些人认为,’in AD 79’的表达不正确,因为在拉丁语中Anno的意思就是’in the year’,不过这种用法非常普遍

  另一个争论点是AD是否能与’century’组合,因为’century’是不能’in the year’的,然而AD经常跟在’century’后面,例如:

  The church dated back to the fourth century AD.


  stands for ‘before Christ’,and is written after the year 公元前(写在年份后)

  Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC.


  adapt, adopt, acquire

  adapt [V]

  means to adjust to something 适应

  In South Africa he had to adapt to life in the southern hemisphere.


  a person who adapts something is an ‘adaptor’, also spelt ‘adapter’, and this word is also used for the piece of equipment which allows two otherwise incompatible items to be connected 改变者;适配器;转接器

  adopt [V]

  means to put into practice or to borrow 采取;采用;采纳

  When we moved to Australia we adopted the custom of Christmas Day beach parties.


  usually means taking legal responsibility for someone else’s child 收养;领养

  a person who adopts a child is usually called an ‘adoptive parent’ 养父母

  acquire [V]

  means to learn or develop a skill, habit or quality 学到(技能);养成(习惯;品性)

  She acquired new habits after becoming a star in Hollywood.


  adhesion, adherence

  adhesion [N]

  means the quality of sticking or glueing 粘附;粘合;胶着

  The new type of glue did not sell very well, due to its poor adhesion.

  adherence [N]

  means support for a particular party or ideology 坚持;信守;信奉

  His adherence to the party was never in question.


  adjacent, adjoining

  adjacent [ADJ]

  is a general word that means either ‘close to’ or ‘nearby’, and not necessarily sharing the same boundary 邻近的;毗邻的(不一定同边界)

  The two military aircraft landed simultaneously on adjacent runways.

  adjoining [ADJ]

  means ‘next to’, and always sharing the same boundary 毗连的;隔壁的(同边界)

  The aircraft moved off the runway on to the adjoining taxiing area.

  adjourn, postpone, defer, rain check

  adjourn [V]

  means to break off a meeting that has started 休(会)(已经开始)

  We will adjourn the meeting until next week.

  adjourn to

  means to move somewhere else 转移到别处;换地方

  After the wedding ceremony they adjourned to the hotel for the reception.

  postpone [V]

  means to reschedule an event or meeting that has not yet started 延期;延迟;推迟(还未开始)

  The takeover negotiations were postponed because of the director’s sudden illness.

  defer [V]

  means to delay making a judgement or decision 延期(判断);推迟(决定)

  The committee has unfortunately deferred its decision until its next meeting.

  defer to

  means to submit to another person’s knowledge or decision 遵从;听从(属于比较正式的用法)

  I defer to your superior mechanical expertise.

  rain check [N]

  means that a matter will be discussed or decided later, it is usually combined with ‘take’ 下次;改天

  I will have to take a rain check on this.


  adverse, averse

  adverse [ADJ]

  means unfavourable, or harmful 反面的;不利的

  The weather report warned us of adverse weather conditions.


  averse [ADJ]

  means opposing or having a strong dislike for a thing or person 反对;不喜欢

  be/feel averse to

  She was averse to men with beards.

  advice, advise

  advice [N]

  means a recommended course of action 意见;劝告;建议

  属于不可数名词,数量的表达为’a piece of advice’或’some advice’,搭配单数形式的动词或限定词

  This advice is very important, and it should be followed carefully.

  advise [V]

  means to make recommendations 劝告;忠告;建议

  The policeman put his notebook away and advised us to keep to the speed limit.

  aerial, spatial

  aerial [ADJ & N]

  means something in the air or involving the use of aircraft 空中的;空气中的;与飞机有关的

  aerial surveillance

  as a noun in BE, an aerial is a wire that can transmit or receive radio waves 天线

  spatial [ADJ]

  means relating to space and the position and shape of thing in it 空间的

  His spatial awareness was not very good, and he was always bumping into things.

  afterwards, subsequently

  afterwards [ADV]

  means later or after something that has been mentioned 随后;以后;后来

  The car hit a tree and the driver said he was very shaken up afterwards.


  subsequently [ADV]

  Can mean the same as ‘afterwards’, but may refer to something that happens much later 【正式】后来;随后;接着(比’afterwards’要更后面)

  He recovered from his injuries, but subsequently the doctors discovered symptoms of whiplash.

  age, aged, elderly

  age [N & V]

  1. as a noun, means the duration of a life 年龄;存在时间

  He lived happily to a great age.

  2. when capitalized, it can also refer to a period in history 历史阶段(首字母大写)

  The Elizabethan Age will be remembered for its poets and playwrights.

  3. as a verb, ‘age’ refers to people or things becoming older 变老;变旧

  Because of regular exercise, the couple were aging more slowly than other pensioners.

  现在分词-aging (英式英语也可拼作ageing)

  aged [V, ADJ, N]

  1. as the past tense of the verb ‘age’, refers to people getting older ‘age’的过去时,变老

  The health service was expanded as a large percentage of the population aged.

  2. it also refers to things developing in flavour over time 变陈的

  The brandy was aged in special casks.

  3. as an adjective, ‘aged’ expresses how old a person is ...岁的

  The children in the class were aged between 8 and 10.

  4. as a noun, this means old people collectively 老人们

  They gave away their savings to help the aged.

  elderly [ADJ & N]

  1. as an adjective refers to people who are old 年老的(委婉说法)

  Elderly people in the town were looked after very well.

  2. as a noun, ‘elderly’ is used with the definite article 老人(特指)

  The elderly were allowed free taxis to the hospital and back.

  aggravate, exacerbate, annoy

  aggravate [V]

  means to make a situation worse; for instance, by scratching an open wound, or by saying something to make someone more angry than they already were 使加重;使恶化;惹怒;激怒

  The press comment seriously aggravated the problems of the socialist party.

  exacerbate [V]

  means ‘aggravate’, but is used for situations, diseases or problems 使恶化;使加重(不能对人)

  Unfortunately her reaction to the story in the press only exacerbated the situation.

  annoy [V]

  means to make a person angry 惹怒



  图片来源 https://news.bisu.edu.cn/art/2009/11/6/art_1769_29658.html

  ago, since, for

  ago [ADV]

  always refers to a specific time in the past, whether five minutes ago or two thousand years ago 以前(特定时间)

  The Romans were using central heating two thousand years ago.


  It was nearly 450 years ago that Shakespeare was born.



  refers to a continuous period between the time considered and the present 自...以来(一段连续时间)

  It is nearly 450 years since Shakespeare was born.


  for [PREP]

  refers to a continuous period of time which may or may not still be going on, depending on which verb tense is used in the main clause 达;计(表一段时间的长度,可能持续下去可能不再持续,取决于主句的主要动词时态)

  He was president for eight years until 1980.

  agree, approve, consent, accede

  agree [V]

  means to have the same opinion as another person 意见一致

  We agreed that it would be a good idea to write a book.

  agree with

  1. means to support a theory or point of view 同意;支持

  I agree with the principles underlying freedom of speech.

  2. in a grammatical sense, to ‘agree with’ means to be consistent (语法上)一致

  You should always check that the verb agrees with its subject.

  3. figuratively, if food does not ‘agree with’ a person, it makes them ill (形象说法)食物不合胃口;某人吃了不舒服

  agree to

  means to accept a suggestion made by somebody else 赞成;赞同

  They agreed to the new pension plan.

  approve [V]

  means to accept someone else’s proposal or actions as being satisfactory 批准;认可(计划或行动)

  He approved the publication plan.

  approve of

  means to like or be pleased with someone else’s plans or actions 赞许;赞成;同意

  They thoroughly approved of their daughter’s choice of husband.

  approved by

  refers to the body that accepts a proposal or plan 指批准(计划或行动)的主体(人或机构)

  The budget cuts were approved by the board.

  consent [N & V]

  means permission or agreement to do something 许可;允许

  Children need their parents’ consent to buy goods by mail order.

  consent to 同意;允许

  She consented to be my wife.

  同义词-agree to

  accede [V]

  means to agree or consent to something 同意(比agree和consent更正式)

  The government was reluctant to accede to the union’s demands.

  agreement, agrément, gentleman’s agreement, arrangement, deal

  agreement [N]

  means a negotiated and legally binding arrangement between two or more parties 协议;协定;合约(可书面可口头)

  An agreement was reached between the three computer companies.

  agrément [N]

  borrowed from French, is found on a product’s label to show that it has been approved by the relevant EU authority (欧盟相关机构的)正式同意【法语】


  gentleman’s agreement [N]

  means an unwritten, but binding agreement, based on trust and usually confirmed by a handshake (非书面的、以信任为基础的)君子协定,又写作gentlemen’s agreement

  同义词-verbal agreement

  arrangement [N]

  1. means a practical agreement on a personal or commercial basis (个人或商业基础上的)实际协议;协定

  The travel agents have an arrangement with several hotels in Rome.

  2. it can also mean an agreement to settle a debt (解决债务的)协议;协定

  They eventually came to an arrangement with the creditors.

  deal [N]

  means an agreement of any type, it is an informal word that refers to a commercial transaction (任何形式的)协议;协定;(非正式)商业交易

  That car was a really good deal.

  refers to a compromise (非正式)妥协

  The government refuses to make any deals with terrorists.

  aid, aide, Aids, support

  aid [N]

  means financial assistance, often at government level (资金)援助;救助,一般指政府层面

  Considerable aid is always necessary for orphans in war zones.


  aide [N]

  means an assistant in the armed forces, government and diplomatic corps (武装力量、政府、外交团的)助手;助理

  The aide to the President held a press conference.

  Aids [N]

  is the acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome 艾滋病


  support [N]

  1. means practical assistance such as the ‘customer support’ or ‘technical support’ provided for computer software users (实际的)帮助,如为电脑软件用户提供的客户支持、技术支持

  Customer support is included in the price of this PC package.

  2. it can also refer to help provided by sympathetic individuals 同情;鼓励;帮助

  She was pleased to have the support of her colleagues when she applied for promotion.


  air-, aero-


  is the prefix used in most of the words connected with aviation in BE and AE 大多数与航空有关的单词的前缀

  aircraft; airborne


  is the prefix used in a few words connected with aviation 少数与航空有关的单词的前缀

  aeroplane; aerospace

  aircraft, aeroplane

  aircraft [N]

  means a powered flying vehicle 飞机;飞行器;航空器(包括飞机与直升机)



  One aircraft was landing and six aircraft were on the runway.


  aeroplane [N]

  is the usual BE form for a powered flying vehicle with fixed wings 飞机(英式英语)





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      点击【极客营】关注我们吧!  极客营  “我即使被困于果壳之中,仍以为自己是无限空间之王。”  我问你这样一个问题,2016年度网络吸睛红人是谁?    你横了我一眼,  “那不肯定是PAPI酱吗?”(一个集美貌和才华于一身的女子)    不不不不,  我要郑重其事地告诉你,  “其实是霍金!”

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  • yuange
    yuange 2025年01月01日


  • yuange
    yuange 2025年01月01日


  • yuange
    yuange 2025年01月01日


  • yuange
    yuange 2025年01月01日

    本文概览:  来源@一只少女哩  abide, abode   abide [V] + by   accept or obey something 遵从;遵守:   We have to...



